Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Is Netflix Taking Over?

After reading this article, it is plausible to believe that Netflix is taking over. Netflix is a rising competitor with TV Cable and DVD sales.  As more people are turning to on demand TV the demand for DVDs and TV cable is decreasing tremendously. Netflix has original content and is evolving from DVD rental service to a full-fledged network. It’s not hard to imagine people choosing Netflix over an HBO subscription, especially if it has a stable variety of shows exclusive to their paying audience.  Netflix is thinking about exclusively distributing an original TV series by David Fincher and Kevin Spacey, which would put it in direct competition with HBO and other premium cable channels. Different from other networks, Netflix commits to two seasons’ worth of the show (26 episodes). Most networks require a pilot to be produced before committing to even one season of a TV show.  To be a Netflix member one must pay 7.99$ a month to watch TV instantly. Why would one want to drag themselves all the way to Blockbusters when they could watch unlimited shows and movies in their own homes.  The supply for movies is extremely high, yet most people would prefer to watch movies in their own home. The demand for Netflix has increased tremendously creating extreme competition with Blockbusters, HBO, and TV cable.  If one buys an excess amount of movies, the Netflix steady price of 7.99 a month is a much better investment than purchasing multiple movies at Blockbusters per month.  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I completely agree with you on this. Netflix is just easier. Consumers look for tastes and preferences, and price. With Netflix you get a reasonable price and you also get to watch a movie from the comfort of your own home without needing to waste gas to drive to Blockbuster. Blockbuster, I am pretty sure, is going out of business. They are too expensive and their late fees are absurd. With a shift in demand for Blockbuster, the price they are asking for is too high. Netflix has a monthly rate that is very favorable, especially if you like to watch movies every week. Netflix does not have to worry about a second market because the movie selling is direct so no one else can make money off of the desirable prices. Demand is rising and in time Netflix will finish off Blockbuster for good because the demand for Blockbusters’ high prices and unreasonable late fees is going down.

  3. I completely agree that Netflix is taking over the movie and cable network. I have Netflix and I think it is so much better than Blockbuster. Although, I do have one complaint, the movies do not ever come out as fast as they do at Blockbuster and other video stores, however if Netflix is able to fix this then the $7.99 a month is more than worth it. I would much rather pay a total of $7.99 a month then $4.99 a movie. After watching a movie and loving it, consumers want to know, what else would I like if I liked this movie? Well, Netflix gives you suggestions and if you don’t like that movie its not like you have just paid for it, you just click stop and pick another movie. Another great thing about Netflix is that there are no late fees and you don’t have to go anywhere to get the movies you want, you can just stay in your home. I completely agree with Iram that Netflix will finish off Blockbuster, because there is a higher demand among consumers for online movies, with online prices. The demand for Netflix is definitely rising, not only because of the economy, but because of gas prices. No one wants to go to Blockbuster and have to go back to return a movie that you just paid a ridiculous price of $5 for and have to pay a late fee after about 3 days.
    - Analisa

  4. As a person who has been a customer of both Netflix and Blockbuster in the past, I completely agree with your view that Netflix has taken over the home media market. I have been a first-hand witness Netflix’s rise which has coincided with Blockbusters downfall. I believe that Netflix has overtaken the home media market because it is a cheaper, more effective substitute to store based home media locations. Netflix’s rise can also be attributed to the numerous advantages it has over its competition for instance, if you wanted to rent a movie from Blockbuster you would have to get up and drive to your nearest store (I know it, doesn’t seem that bad, but this getting progressively more cumbersome by the day as more and more Blockbuster’s close) while if you wanted to rent a movie through Netflix you can rent all of the new releases through mail or if you wanted to watch the movie you could instantly stream movies from Netflix to your TV, Video Game Console, and even your phone. Another benefit of Netflix over Blockbuster, is that Netflix has a fixed cost of $7.99 per month, for unlimited movie streaming and movies by mail, while if you went to blockbuster they have variable prices that change based on how new the movie is, and if you were to rent more than 2 movies per month the costs of blockbuster would outweigh the costs of a Netflix subscription.

  5. It is very easy to agree with the statement that Netflix is taking over in its specific area. As a former Blockbuster customer and current Netflix subscriber it is easy to see which company produces better results. Netflix has more options and is much easier to navigate. Other companies like blockbuster failed in today’s economy because of simply making the wrong choices. There is a much higher demand for Netflix due to the lower prices they offer. For only $7.99 a month, which includes instant play directly to your computer or home television. This only increases the demand for products offered by Netflix. The renting movie market is a large, and hectic one. Companies like Red box are also competing with Netflix. The only problem is Red Box is a substitution to Netflix, and sense Netflix is so well priced and has such a wide variety, then there is only one real choice. Consumers are always looking for the most affordable good, and if it is very easy to use then that makes it even better. Netflix offers that, it has taken over and removed almost all its competitors from even coming close to challenging them. Netflix’s smart pricing and ideal movies make them the easy and best future choice for renting movies.
    -Mason R

  6. It’s totally agreeable that you believe Netflix is taking over, you can tell pretty quickly when you see the blockbuster in my neighborhood shutting down. There are two main reasons I believe that people are switching from Blockbuster to Netflix. Convenience and price, everyone would much rather click a button on their T.V or computer than have to get in their car and drive to go pick up a movie. Also the steady price and no limit on how much to get from this price. Blockbuster's costs are about $3 a night and plus there is no guarantee that the store has that movie/show. The demand for movies is constantly growing and a small store cannot hold every movie possible, but an internet database can hold so much more that it appeals to so many more people.

  7. Unfortunately, Blockbuster‘s days are numbered. I totally agree with this article. Netflix is more convenient and cheaper. You don’t have to worry about late fees and you can keep the movies as long as you would like. Netflix also lets its customers watch movies from their online data base. Therefore I can watch movies instantly and don’t have to wait on certain movies to come in through the mail. Since our society is so connected to our technology such as computers and such, it is no wonder that Netflix is doing so well. They are meeting the needs and demands of the constantly changing consumers. The movie selection is also much broader and more varied than your average video store. If I go on Netflix online data base I can not only find the most popular movies, but I can find foreign and indie films. Netflix makes my movie viewing experience so much more pleasurable. I feel that the demand for companies such as Netflix will increase because consumers love the idea of its convenience and price. Netflix is one of the best deals on the market and therefore they are taking over the movie industry as we know it by storm. As time increases, I predict that more companies like Netflix will emerge and give consumers even better deals.

  8. I agree that Netflix is dominating Blockbuster on the sale/membership of video stores. The fact is that more and more people are using technology for easier quicker ways of doing everyday things. The hassle of going to a store to rent a movie only to return it late is completely taken out of the picture with Netflix, as they allow people to get their movies online and keep them as long as they wish. The demand for current movies would lead to people going to Netflix where they know the movie will be in stock and shipped to them rather than going to a store without knowing if their movie is in fact there or not. The convenience and lower prices of Netflix make it almost seem obsolete to ever go to a movie store again.

  9. I agree that netflix has taken over the movie rental business. Their idea of allowing customers to watch movies instantly on their computers and TVs is the main reason they have as much success as they do. Instead of driving to the nearest video rental or store or even waiting for the netflix movie to arrive in the mail, viewers can simply go to netflix.com on their computer. What further improves their accessibility is the mobile app they released for all Apple iPhones and iPads; customers may now watch movies on the go. Netflix has already brought a massive sense of competition with HBO and has led to the bankruptcy of the leading movie rental company, Blockbuster. Before the bankruptcy of Blockbuster, Netflix used to be a substitute of Blockbuster, but is now the the main movie provider. However, even with all of these convenient advatanges of Netflix, the one thing that makes them stand out is their cheap prices. For only $9.99 a month viewers can both watch online and have movies delivered right to their doorsteps. Netflix can afford to have their prices this low because of their fixed costs being so low. They do not have to rent stores around the nation because all of their movies come from a few of their corporate offices around the nation.
